Bubble Life – Guest Contributor
Sep 5 2023
Trains at NorthPark



Central Standard Time


Recur every 1 day(s) until 01/05/2024 00:00:00.


NorthPark Center
8687 N US 75-Central Expy 1000
Dallas, Texas 75225

The Trains at NorthPark


Sat, Nov 11, 10:00 a.m.- January 5, 2024

NorthPark Center on the First Floor next to Santa and Macy’s

NorthPark Center, c, Dallas, TX, 75225

Benefitting The Ronald McDonald House of Dallas for the past 36 years, the Trains at NorthPark have been delighting the hearts and minds of young and old alike. Presented by Bank of Texas, this holiday family tradition has become a favorite for generations of Dallasites and includes 1,600 feet of track rolling from coast to coast on a whimsical rail journey across America. The Trains travel from the autumn foliage of New England to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge with stops along the way to see New York City, Washington DC, our beautiful city of Dallas, and the desert Southwest including the Grand Canyon and the Garden of the Gods—we even have some interplanetary visitors from Outer Space! More than 50,000 visitors are entertained each season. For information on holiday hours, tickets, and sponsorship, visit http://www.thetrainsatnorthpar....

Mon-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 12pm-6pm, closed 11/23 & 12/25, 11/22 10am-6pm, 12/24 10am-4pm, 12/31 10am-4pm, 1/1 11am-6pm

$10.00 for adults

$5.00 for children (ages 2 - 12) and senior citizens (age 65 and older)

Children under 2 admitted free.

All proceeds from ticket sales go to helping families at Ronald McDonald House of Dallas.

Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Tickets can be bought online or in person.

*Credit/Debit Card Only*??


For more information contact Kennedy Newbanks at knewbanks@rmhdallas.org or 214-624-5366. Those interested in supporting The Trains at NorthPark through sponsorship please contact Anyika Herod at aherod@rmhdallas.org, Brianna Lucido at blucido@rmhdallas.org if purchasing a railcar or Family Pass, or Caitlyn Carter at ccarter@rmhdallas.org for volunteering.

Established in 1981, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas has served as a home-away-from-home for more than 40,000 families of seriously ill children who have traveled to Dallas seeking medical treatment in area hospitals. By providing a caring, supportive, home-like environment, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas keeps the family intact and helps allow a family to establish a normal routine in the midst of crisis. It also provides families with the opportunity to share their concerns with other families in similar circumstances. For more information, please contact Ronald McDonald House of Dallas at 214-631-7354, or visit www.rmhdallas.org.